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Doctor Supervised & Nurse Lead

Sentinel Healthcare Vigilance program for Private Business, Hotels, Manufacturing & Government facilities

  • Medical staff are always tested by authorized Infectious Disease test provider
  • Tools & Dashboard
  • Automatic Email Notifications
  • Customized security roles are available
  • On call physician
    • Secure Digital Healthcare Vigilance inquiry secure login
    • Many more services “please Inquire”

Health Professional Vigilance Program

Doctor Supervised & Nurse Lead

COVID-19  Experience & Protocol Execution
Healthcare Vigilance Program Government Institutions & Private Business

  • Government Staff Healthcare Monitoring
  • Employee  Healthcare Monitoring
  • Our Nurses  stand out in four important areas supported by the College of Nurses and the Ministry of Health
  1. COVID-19 Experience & Protocol Execution
  2. Direct Care
  3. Epidemiology
  4. Education
  5. Service Administration.

Nurse Leads

COVID-19 Experience & Protocol Execution
Healthcare Vigilance Program Government Institutions & Private Business

  • Employee Healthcare Monitoring
  • Patient  Healthcare Monitoring
  • Our Nurses  stand out in four important areas supported by the College of Nurses and the Ministry of Health, these areas are
  1. COVID-19 Experience & Protocol Execution
  2. Direct Care
  3. Epidemiology
  4. Education
  5. Service Administration.

Sentinel Virtual Nurse Lead

COVID-19 Experience & Protocol Execution
Sentinel Healthcare Vigilance program for Private & Government Institutions

  • Employee Healthcare Monitoring
  • Patient  Healthcare Monitoring
  • Our Nurses  stand out in four important areas supported by the College of Nurses and the Ministry of Health, these areas are
  1. COVID-19 Experience & Protocol Execution
  2. Direct Care
  3. Epidemiology
  4. Education
  5. Service Administration

Prior to reporting to work

Prior to reporting to work employees fill out the COVID-19 self-assessment form in the secure app for Android, iOS (Apple) or Windows.

If the employee is at risk of transmitting Infectious disease like COVID-19 or in a high-risk group, the app will instruct them to stay home and notify their manager.

 All personal information is Encrypted & HIPPA Safe platform only shared with the employer.  “with employee consent “

  • Workers can self-assess for coronavirus risk factors and then determine if they should report to work
  • Government & Employers can monitor the status of their workforce with real-time reporting and dashboards.
    • Team / Patient Tracking
    • Tools & Dashboard

Automatic Email Notifications

Get notified immediately if someone should not report to work. When an employee has completed a self-assessment, their manager will receive email notification of the worker’s status (i.e. if they are able to report to work or need further COVID-19 screening).

Easy to use Reporting Tools

App Admin or Sentinel Vigilance Doctor or Nurse: Quickly sees who should and should not report to work.

Monitoring your workforce

Their COVID-19 risks over time with easy-to-use and secure reporting tools.

Get Started

    Enter your information below To use the service , you must agree to the Terms of Service provided Our services are customized to suit the unique needs of every patient. There is no direct employee-patient relationship with our providers. Green Healthcare serves as a trusted facilitator and patient advocate, ensuring strict adherence to established standards and regulations. I Agree