Emergency Help +506 84234637 or (866) 497-7163

Authorized laboratory is dependent on your location, with requirements set by  Minstero de Salud de Costa Rica. Green healthcare does not itself process the test it is done by a laboratory near your testing location.

    Schedule COVID-19 Testing

    Testing Location* [group group-otherlocation] [/group] [group group-airbnb] [/group] Requested Appointment Testing Date*
    (Must be set 24 hours prior to your travel) Testing Time* Type of Testing* Payment Type* [group payment-paypal] Once we've reviewed your submission, you will receive an email requesting payment via PayPal using the account email:

    [/group] [group payment-creditcard] Once we've reviewed your submission, you will receive an email requesting payment via credit card using the link below (example):
    Credit Card Payments

    If you would like a nurse to come to you available upon request there is a service fee added to test price