Emergency Help +506 84234637 or (866) 497-7163

Dental Care

Green Healthcare International has a large network of highly trained professional dentists around the world. That provide the most personalized and gentle care while also being effective and affordable. Our providers specialties range from preventive, restorative to aesthetic dentistry.  Green Healthcare International make sure that you receive great dental care at a feasible price.

Whether you need a cleaning, teeth whitening, orthodontic treatment, dental implants, veneers, or wisdom teeth extraction, our providers will do their best to make your smile bright.

“Revitalize Your Smile! Contact Green HealthCare International for Expert Consultation Today!”


Only trust your care to the most qualified and proven Professional Dentists.

Visit One Of Our Premier Dental Provider In Costa Rica

Amazing 360° Costa Rica Dental Center Biodent Virtual Tour


Accredited Dental Clinics & Labs

That’s commendable! Accreditation by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASFI) reflects a commitment to meeting stringent standards ensuring exceptional quality and patient safety. This international accreditation program underscores the dedication of your providers to maintain high standards of excellence in healthcare delivery and prioritize patient safety.

“Improving Lives. Providing Exceptional Care. With Exceptional People.”


(866) 497-7163

    Green Healthcare
