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Frown Lines

We have a large network of highly trained professional dentists. That provide the most personalized and gentle care while also being effective and affordable. Our providers specialties range from preventive, restorative to aesthetic dentistry.  Green Healthcare International make sure that you receive great dental care at a feasible price.

Are you interested in achieving younger looking skin?

Frown Lines, as most other lines and wrinkles, form as a result of repeatedly making certain facial expressions.

By simply reducing the frown line between the eyebrows, many feel as though they look more refreshed and approachable in their workplace and/or social life. Using Botox for frown lines is a great way to reduce the look of tension or anger.

Cosmetically we use Botulinum Toxin Injection treatments to relax the muscles in the face that create fine lines and wrinkles and to prevent further deepening of lines. It is a simple 10-minute procedure, with a few tiny injections directly into the muscles we want to treat.

There is an art to Botulinum Toxin Injection treatments – to achieve the best, most natural looking results it must be placed in the right muscle, in the correct place, at an ideal dose, by an experienced doctor.

You can reduce lines and wrinkles in specific areas. The most common areas we treat are the frown line, or ‘grumpy lines’, the horizontal ‘worry’ lines, and the ‘crow’s feet’ around the eyes.

An experienced clinician will know where to place the Botox, in the right muscle, in the correct place, at an ideal dose. Botulinum Toxin Injections may be the right solution for you.


Botulinum Toxin Injections may be the right solution for you.
If you want great results, contact us today!


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Botulinum toxin injection

Botulinum toxin injection for treatment of facial wrinkles is a frequently performed cosmetic procedure.

Treatment of frown lines and crow’s feet, which are the cosmetic indications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and horizontal forehead lines, offers predictable results, has few adverse effects, and is associated with high patient satisfaction.

Wrinkles are formed by dermal atrophy and repetitive contraction of underlying facial musculature. Botulinum toxin is a potent neurotoxin that inhibits in some degree the contraction of specific facial muscles. Injection of small quantities of botulinum toxin into specific overactive muscles causes localized muscle relaxation that smooths the overlying skin and reduces wrinkles. Botulinum toxin effects take about two weeks to fully develop and last three to four months.

Request A Consultation

Our providers advanced training in restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Whenever possible, they will preserve and restore your natural teeth. If you have damaged or badly decayed teeth, you can learn about the options for protecting and restoring them and what you can expect from each option.

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(866) 497-7163


Accredited Dental Clinics & Labs

Some of our providers are accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASFI), which offers an international program of inspection and accreditation standards of excellence to ensure high quality and patient safety.

Enhancing Life. Excelling in Care. Exceptional people. Extraordinary care.

The Mantled Howler Monkey (AlouattaPalliata) in Costa Rica. Their howls can be heard more than 1 km away through the forest. The howler monkey is most commonly found in Costa Rica in Arenal
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