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We have a large network of highly trained professional dentists. That provide the most personalized and gentle care while also being effective and affordable. Our providers specialties range from preventive, restorative to aesthetic dentistry.  Green Healthcare Costa Rica make sure that you receive great dental care at a feasible price.

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Our providers advanced training in restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Whenever possible, they will preserve and restore your natural teeth. If you have damaged or badly decayed teeth, you can learn about the options for protecting and restoring them and what you can expect from each option.

your next dental care experience

Are you looking for achieving a face with a more youthful and thinner appearance?

Bichatectomy is a very safe procedure which can be performed in the office as outpatient with the patient under intravenous or sedation. It is an operation of fat pillow’s removal on the cheek.

The incision is performed from inside the mouth and the buccal fat pillow is removed between the Buccinator and the Masseter muscles.

Bichectomy is recommended for people who, despite diets and exercises, still have a round face, making them look more weighty.

We offer this procedure to give you a more elongated appearance with greater symmetry and aesthetics in your facial features.

After the operation, the patient returns to his daily life immediately. There is inflammation that slowly lessens, antibiotic treatments and oral care products need to be used to prevent infection.

The final result would be seen within 3 weeks

To get slimmer cheeks, highlighting cheekbones and jaw and a more opposite triangular face shape, contact us today!



What are you waiting for, book your appointment here today!

your next dental care experience

(866) 497-7163


Accredited Dental Clinics & Labs

Some of our providers are accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASFI), which offers an international program of inspection and accreditation standards of excellence to ensure high quality and patient safety.

Enhancing Life. Excelling in Care. Exceptional people. Extraordinary care.

The Mantled Howler Monkey (AlouattaPalliata) in Costa Rica. Their howls can be heard more than 1 km away through the forest. The howler monkey is most commonly found in Costa Rica in Arenal
“Visit Costa Rica and have a life changing experience with quality HealthCare”

    Green Healthcare